Efisiensi Thermal Engine Honda GL Pro dengan Alat Uji Dynamometer Prony Brake


  • Yusup Permana Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi YBS Internasional
  • Muhamad Ghozali Politeknik Negeri Indramayu




GL Pro, Prony brake, thermal efficiency


The GL Pro motorbike used has undergone changes to the ignition system. The ignition system used previously was platinum converted to a CDI ignition system, the change was made because the ignition system using platinum was too old and the results of performance testing conducted by Ardiansyah J showed that using CDI increased engine performance. The fuel used is Pertamina's product, namely premium with a density of 0.772 kg/l and a calorific value of 10507.2 kcal/kg. The dynotest used is the prony brake type. The prony brake is used to hold the rotation of the engine by inhibiting rotation. The test results obtained a thermal efficiency value of 23.443%.


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How to Cite

Y. Permana and M. Ghozali, “Efisiensi Thermal Engine Honda GL Pro dengan Alat Uji Dynamometer Prony Brake”, JAMET, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29–35, Nov. 2022.