Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology <p>Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology (JAMET) is a peer-reviewed journal managed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Indramayu. This journal was established on August 18, 2022. We accept original research articles in the scope of applied mechanical technology. All articles in JAMET are open access which allows articles to be free and online.</p> Politeknik Negeri Indramayu en-US Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology 2986-206X Studi Pengaruh Penambahan 5wt.% dan 10wt.% Serat Pelepah Salak pada Manufaktur Komposit Epoxy berpenguat Serat Kevlar dan Serat Karbon dengan Metode Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM) untuk Aplikasi Rompi Tahan Peluru <p><em>Rompi tahan peluru sebagai perlindungan diri personel militer umumnya berbahan dasar komposit berpenguat serat sintetis. Komposit berpenguat serat kevlar dan karbon telah mampu menahan laju penetrasi peluru dan memiliki karakteristik ringan, namun biaya produksi dengan serat sintetis tersebut relatif mahal. Penggunaan material substitusi dari serat alam sangat potensial, dikarenakan jumlah serat alam yang berlimpah, ringan, dan harganya yang relatif murah. Salah satu serat alam yang potensial adalah serat dari pelepah salak. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengaruh penambahan serat pelepah salak terhadap karakteristik komposit serat Kevlar dan serat karbon, dengan filler SiC dan Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. Pembuatan komposit ini dilakukan dengan metode Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM). Terdapat 4 variasi fraksi volume serat dan filler sebagai penguat yang ditambahkan pada komposit ini. Dari hasil pengamatan dengan SEM didapatkan hasil matriks dan penguat sudah terikat dengan baik. Hasil uji balistik menunjukan seluruh variasi sampel uji dapat menahan laju peluru sehingga tidak tembus. Hasil uji mekanik menunjukkan saat ini penambahan serat pelepah salak belum secara signifikan meningkatkan sifat mekanis komposit tersebut</em></p> Vina Nanda Garjati V. Rizkia N. A. Anggraeni Muslimin Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 1 11 10.31884/jamet.v2i2.32 Design of X and Y Axis Mechanical Driving Systems on CO2 Laser Cutting CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Machine <p>CO<sub>2</sub><em> Laser Cutting CNC Machine is a machine that uses a laser beam to cut or engrave certain materials. This machine is intended for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), one of which can help craftsmen to produce creative products such as accessories, handicrafts, decorations and others. </em><em>The </em>CO<sub>2</sub><em> Laser Cutting CNC machine consists of several components, namely the machine frame, stepper motor, timing pulley, timing belt, shaft and bearings. With the above components are expected to work properly. </em><em>The results of the design of the </em>CO<sub>2</sub><em> Laser Cutting CNC machine have dimensions of 1500 mm in length, 1200 mm in width and 330 mm in height. for the driving source using stepper motors on the X and Y axes with a torque issued by the X axis of 0.113 Nm and the greatest power on the X axis of 3.54 Watt, while the torque released on the Y axis is 0.2073 Nm and the greatest power on the Y axis is 6.5 Watt. The selected motor is a Nema 17HS4401 stepper motor and the transmission system uses a timing pulley and timing belt.</em></p> Ridwan Kusmayanto Ghany Heryana Jatira Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 20 27 10.31884/jamet.v2i2.38 Perancangan Sistem Kendali Mesin CNC (Computer Numerical Control) laser Cutting CO2 2 Axis Berbasis Arduino Uno <p>The machining industry, especially machine tools, is currently facing increasingly difficult challenges because this industry is required to produce inexpensive, precise products and fast production times. guaranteed 1/100 mm more and can produce products efficiently. The research to be carried out aims to design control of a CO2 laser cutting machine. So that the machine can work automatically with the control system using the Arduino Uno microcontroller and can run the g-code program with precision and be able to form certain patterns or designs. This laser cnc machine also has several important components including motor drivers, stepper motors, arduino microcontrollers and cnc shields. The operation of this machine uses the ligtburn software. The machine workflow includes a PC (personal computer), g-code, lightburn, driver which will then produce output on the machine in the form of automatic movement.</p> Bayu Lesmana Ghany Heryana Jatira Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 28 33 10.31884/jamet.v2i2.43 Analisa Keakurasian Mesin CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Laser Cutting CO2 pada Persumbuan X dan Y <p>The development of computer technology has progressed very rapidly. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines have come a long way in the last few decades. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines were first introduced in the 1960s, and have undergone technological changes and improvements since then. A machine tool is very susceptible to inaccuracies resulting in a machine that is used for a long time and repeatedly can result in its feeding process. The deviating feeding process will greatly affect the quality of the workpiece. The purpose of this study was to determine the calibration process of CO2 CNC Laser Cutting Machines on the X and Y axes and the results for making machine feasibility decisions. The dial indicator tool will be used to determine the calibration results on a 2-axis CO2 Laser Cutting CNC machine for CO2 Laser Cutting. This CO2 CNC Laser Cutting Machine will be calibrated on each axis, namely the X and Y axes.</p> Azizatul Lailiah Ghany Heryana Irwan Suriaman Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 34 40 10.31884/jamet.v2i2.45 Pengaruh Pelapisan Nikel pada Tool End Mill HSS Terhadap Nilai Kekerasan dan Temperature Proses Milling Alumunium 6061 <p><em>The machining process of dry machining milling method is a machining process without additional coolant, but this method has several problems during the process and after the machining process, namely Tool temperature can easily rise and has a major impact on tool wear, so the purpose of this research is to develop a dry machining method with variations tools that are coated with nickel, by utilizing the properties of nickel material that can withstand heat and corrosion, therefore a nickel coating is used on the tool which will affect the temperature parameters of the tool. The coating method that will be carried out is the electroplating method. This method is a metal coating method which is often called electrodeposition, or the process of depositing the coating metal on the base metal using electrolysis. This research was carried out using experimental testing methods to obtain tool temperature parameters and hardness on the tool coating. The voltage used in the electroplating process is 6 V/ 0.7 A for 5, 10, and 15 minutes to produce a nickel layer thickness of 0.024 mm in 15 minutes, so every 5 minutes the layer is 0.08 mm. The experimental testing process used the HSS tool Ø 12 / 4 F and a aluminum 6061 workpiece which resulted in an intermediate temperature that was not coated with nickel (uncoated) at 3 mm feeding spindle speed 3000 rpm the temperature reached 73.6 ºC while that which was coated with nickel (coated) the temperature only reached 58.6 ºC, and get an average hardness value on the nickel layer, which is 279.9 Hv</em></p> Agus Sifa Tito Endramawan Casiman Sukardi Haerul Aryadi Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Mechanical Technology 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 2 41 49 10.31884/jamet.v2i2.48